Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It Is Possible To Stop Cavities And Heal Them

It is sometimes possible to stop cavities in their tracks and they will never get any bigger.

Basically cavities in our mouth are either actively growing or in an arrested state. Small, beginning cavities, when they are in only the hard outer enamel layer of your tooth often times naturally stop growing larger and literally heal themselves.

Dentists call this an arrested carious lesion- that's a pretty technical term but I think it's very descriptive of what's happening. These arrested cavities are smooth dark spots and not true holes in our teeth. Most interestingly, studies have shown that that dark spot is actually more insoluble to acids and forming another cavity than is its surrounding enamel. Decay arrests itself when the conditions in our mouth change, generally become less acidic and Calcium for our saliva is able to chemically replace the Calcium ions which are pull out of our enamel by acids during initial cavity formation. An ion is similar to an atom.

I spend a lot of time teaching patients how to "fool Mother Nature" and force these active cavities to stop growing and arrest themselves with simple at home step and avoid a filling.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

 Chocolate milk is more beneficial than sports drinks after a work out

This article in the New York Times health section explains why drinking chocolate milk at the end of a workout, whether it's running or weightlifting, will give you less body fat and a greater, overall physiological response to exercise than those who recovered with water or a sports drink.

During the hour after a workout, muscles are “primed” to slurp blood sugar out of the bloodstream to more readily replenishing fuel stores lost during the workout. If the food or drink also includes protein, the muscle priming is prolonged. Chocolate milk has both protein and an easily digestible source of sugar. But beware, if your exercise session is shorter than 45 minutes, you will likely ingest more calories than you have burned.

Recent studies have also found that eating easily digestible carbohydrates an hour before exercising generally enables athletes to work out longer. This is in contrast to the long held belief of not eating one hour before races or exercising because of blood sugar fluctuations. These blood sugar fluctuations, rebound hypoglycemia, are general short lived and of little significance.

Read the full article for more information:

Friday, April 19, 2013

The importance of Saliva

This New York Times article explains the importance of saliva, our important first line of defense against tooth decay and saliva's little known, yet all important role in preventing decay and the "soft teeth syndrome."
Soft teeth are really due to poor quality saliva and can be cured and money saved.

This article accurately describes the scientific basis I use to effectively stop decay in people who have been suffering with  chronic tooth decay problems.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Charles Hand D.D.S.: Extra Calcium as a supplement can harm the heart

Charles Hand D.D.S.: Extra Calcium as a supplement can harm the heart: I found it interesting that calcium ingested from supplements and not natural foods can cause problems. For more details after reading my ...

Extra Calcium as a supplement can harm the heart

I found it interesting that calcium ingested from supplements and not natural foods can cause problems.

For more details after reading my summary, click on the link below.

From The New York Times Health section:

Calcium supplements, as opposed to the natural calcium found in food, may be bad for the heart, a large new study confirms.
The study found that taking extra calcium may raise the risk of a heart attack. People who got their calcium almost exclusively from supplements were more than twice as likely to have a heart attack compared with those who took no supplements.

The researchers speculated that taking calcium in supplement form causes blood levels of the mineral to quickly spike to harmful levels, whereas getting it from food may be less dangerous because the calcium is absorbed in smaller amounts at various points throughout the day.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Some acidic foods and drinks, especially sodas, temporary make the outer most layer of enamel weaker for about 30 minutes. Brushing during that time can brake off pieces of this weakened enamel. After 30 minutes, our enamel is back to its previous state in most people and can safely be brushed.

see the complete at

Monday, October 10, 2011

Dr. Hand, Why Does Orange Juice Taste So Bad After Brushing Your Teeth?

The culprit for this offensive reaction is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, the foaming agent found in almost all toothpastes. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate suppresses your sweet taste receptors on your tongue. Since sweetness blocks bitter and sour flavors, its absence enhances the bitterness and sourness of orange juice.

Additionally, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate destroys Phospholipids. These fatty compounds act as inhibitors on your bitter taste receptors.

By inhibiting sweet receptors and destroying Phospholipids, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate dulls the sweetness and promotes the bitter taste in orange juice.

Now that you know the science behind this offensive taste, comment on the  the strategies  you use to avoid this.